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Hair of the Dog

Jan 30, 2018

We talked about Dexter's medical updates and then got into a repetitive cycle on emotions and personal accountability. 

Sarah is Drinking:
Awake, Night Shift Brewing
Coffee porter aged with Counter Culture coffee. Notes of fresh roasted coffee and baker's chocolate.

Rebecca is Drinking:
Hot Box Coffee IPA, Oskar Blues
An odd couple can make for some of the most incredibly unique tastiness. Take Hotbox Coffee IPA for example - a piney, citrus, mango, Simcoe-hopped IPA and an infusion of cold brew extract made with Hotbox Roasters' Ethiopian beans poppin' with creamy blueberry and cacao notes.

A Round on the House, _______ Brewing
No notes at this time.

We got shirts ya'll- Merch is life... HOTD SHOP

Don't forget to rate and review on iTunes... and smash that like button on Facebook. Cheers!