Dec 8, 2017
Chad Mackin in the house! Well, more like over the internet
waves.... To talk body language, industry grievances, and a nice
little sentimental circle jerk in the end.
Sarah is Drinking:
Schmaltz Brewing, Foreign Objects Green
Waves of green like you won't believe. Living in the galaxies
beyond our observable sensory spectrum, we've extracted every
particle of hop character allowed by the laws of physics!
Rebecca is Drinking:
The Bruery, Rueuze
Rueuze is our take on the traditional Belgian-style blend of
lambics of different ages. We carefully select a number of oak
barrels from our warehouse that have been aging our sour blonde ale
for anywhere from several months to several years and blend the
beers together to what we find to be the ideal flavor. This is one
complex beer. Notes of hay, barnyard funk, apricots and olives play
wonderfully with the balanced acidity.
Chad is Drinking:
Coney Island Brewing, Hard Root Beer
Coney Island Hard Root Beer is a new twist on an old favorite. With
hints of vanilla, licorice and birch, this root beer will bring you
back to the boardwalk.
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